Section 37. Except as provided in section 38, the commissioner, in consultation with the director, may make rules and regulations for the government and use of the reservations, roads, driveways, parkways, boulevards or bridges under the division’s care and to govern the public use of the Charles river, the Neponset river and the Mystic river, within the urban park district, and of the ponds and other waters along which it holds abutting lands for reservations in said district; provided, that no rule or regulation shall affect the water rights of any person, whether a mill owner or otherwise. No such rule or regulation shall prohibit the use of passenger or station wagon type motor vehicles whose gross weight is less than 5000 pounds and which are registered for commercial use, on ways, parkways or boulevards where non-commercial passenger-type motor vehicles are permitted to operate.
A police officer employed by a city or town in whose boundaries, reservations, roads, driveways, parkways, boulevards or bridges are located shall have all the same powers they have as a police officer of the city or town to enforce the laws of the commonwealth and the rules and regulations of the department on any bikeway, pathway, park, reservation or other land under the care of the division.
The division shall cause such rules and regulations to be posted in the reservation, road, driveway, parkway, boulevard or bridge to which they apply, and shall also cause the same to be published at least once in a newspaper published in the county where said reservation, road, driveway, parkway, boulevard or bridge is in whole or in part situated, and such posting and publication shall be sufficient notice to all persons. The sworn certificate of the director of such posting and publishing shall be prima facie evidence thereof.
Whoever violates any rule or regulation made hereunder shall be punished by fine not exceeding $200.