Section 72. The commission shall have the same authority relative to wrecked vessels or other shipwrecked property on the shores or waters of the Charles river basin as is given the department of highways by section thirty-eight of chapter ninety-one relative to such vessels or property on other shores or waters of the commonwealth; and the commission shall have the same authority relative to the removal from said basin of wrecked, sunken or abandoned vessels, or of any unlawful or unauthorized structure or thing deposited or suffered to remain in the waters of said basin and obstructing safe and convenient navigation therein, as is given said department by sections thirty-nine to forty-five, inclusive, of chapter ninety-one, relative to such removal from the tide waters of the commonwealth, and said sections, so far as applicable, shall apply to such removals by the commission; provided, however, that the commission shall cooperate with the board of underwater archaeological resources in the salvage of underwater archaeological resources in accordance with section sixty-three of chapter ninety-one.