Section 6. No person shall distribute a pesticide not registered pursuant to the provisions of section seven. This prohibition shall not apply to the transfer of a pesticide from one plant or warehouse to another plant or warehouse and used solely at such plant or warehouse as a constituent part to make a pesticide which is or will be registered pursuant to the provisions of this act; or the distribution of a pesticide pursuant to the provisions of an experimental use permit issued under section eight.
No person shall distribute a pesticide classified by the department as being for restricted use to a person not appropriately certified to use that pesticide. This prohibition shall not apply to the distribution of a pesticide to a competent individual acting under the direct supervision of an individual appropriately certified to use that pesticide.
No person shall distribute a pesticide that is adulterated or misbranded or a device that is misbranded.
No person shall distribute any pesticide unless it is in the registrant’s or the producer’s unbroken, unopened, and sealed container. This prohibition shall not apply to the repackaging of pesticides because of damage in transit.
No person shall distribute any pesticide that does not conform to any requirement of its registration or permit.
No person shall distribute any pesticide in containers that are unsafe due to damage or design.
No person shall detach, alter, deface, or destroy, wholly or in part, any label or labeling provided for in this chapter or in regulations adopted thereunder, or to add any substance to, or take any substance from, a pesticide in a manner that may defeat the purposes of this chapter or regulations adopted thereunder.
No person shall distribute, handle, dispose of, discard, or store any pesticide or pesticide container in such a manner as to cause injury to humans, vegetation, crops, livestock, wildlife, beneficial insects, to cause damage to the environment, or to pollute or contaminate any water supply, waterway, groundwater or waterbody.
No person shall act in the capacity of, or advertise as, or assume to act as a licensed pesticide dealer unless that person is in possession of a currently valid license issued by the department pursuant to the provisions of section nine. No person possessing a pesticide dealer license shall violate or allow to be violated any term, condition, restriction or provision of said license.
No person shall purchase or use a pesticide that is not registered by the department under the provisions of section seven; provided, however, that this prohibition shall not apply to the use of a pesticide consistent with the terms of an experimental use permit issued by the department under the provisions of section eight.