Section 6G. Beginning November 1, 2001, pesticide products eligible for use on the outdoor grounds of any school, child care center or school age child care program shall be limited to the following:
(a) pesticides used in accordance with the facility’s integrated pest management plan filed with the department and maintained on site;
(b) pesticides other than those classified as known, likely or probable human carcinogens by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or equivalently categorized by the department, except as provided for in section 6H;
(c) pesticide products that do not contain inert ingredients categorized as “List 1: Inerts of Toxicological Concern” or any equivalent categorization by the United States Environmental Protection Agency; and
(d) pesticides that are applied for reasons other than purely aesthetic purposes, except that any municipality, city or town may allow the use of pesticide products for purely aesthetic purposes on the outdoor grounds of any school, child care center or school age child care program.