Section 3. The commissioners, subject to the approval of the trustees of said society, shall formulate rules and regulations for pilotage and establish rates within their respective districts, which, for district one shall be the rates established in section thirty-one, and which for the other three districts shall not exceed the rates established by said section. The commissioners also, in accordance with such rules and regulations, shall grant commissions as pilots for their districts or for special locations therein, to such persons as they consider competent; provided that for district one such persons shall first be approved by said trustees. The commissioners may, upon satisfactory evidence of his misconduct, carelessness or neglect of duty, suspend any such pilot until the next meeting of said trustees and may thereafter continue such suspension until the close of the next stated meeting of said trustees, but no longer for the same offense. If said trustees decide at either of said meetings that the commission of such pilot ought to be revoked, the commissioners may revoke it at any time after said decision is rendered and before it is reversed. The commissioners shall cause the laws and regulations for pilotage within their district to be duly observed and executed, and shall receive, hear and determine complaints by and against pilots for said district.