Section 16D. A certificate of registration for any dairy farm may be refused, or, if issued, may be suspended or revoked by the commissioner for failure to maintain compliance with the rules and regulations established pursuant to section thirteen; provided, that the commissioner may, in his discretion, allow the parties concerned a period of not more than thirty days in which to achieve such compliance; and provided, further, that, if compliance is not so achieved, the operator of the dairy farm involved shall be entitled to a hearing before the commissioner, or a person designated by him, prior to the final refusal, suspension or revocation of such certificate, such hearing to be held after reasonable notice specifying the day, hour and place thereof and accompanied by a statement of the alleged failure to comply, or the reasons for such refusal, suspension or revocation.
A certificate of registration which has been suspended shall be plainly stamped:—“Suspended until ___ (date)”; and the operator of the dairy farm involved may make written application to the commissioner for reinspection at the expiration of the period of suspension. A certificate of registration which has been revoked shall be plainly stamped:—“Revoked”; and the operator of the dairy farm involved may make written application to the commissioner for reinspection only after a period of one year from the date of revocation has elapsed. Immediate notice of suspension or revocation of a certificate of registration shall be given by the commissioner to each dealer, receiving station or plant handling milk produced on the dairy farm involved, and to the board of health of each city or town where such milk is sold, offered or exposed for sale. In case of emergency, directly and immediately threatening the public, the commissioner of public health may suspend a certificate of registration, and shall notify the commissioner forthwith of any such suspension. The provisions of this section, when pertinent, shall apply to temporary certificates of registration issued under sections sixteen G and sixteen H.