Section 1. The director of professional licensure shall supervise the work of the several boards of registration and examination included in the division of professional licensure. He shall recommend changes in the methods of conducting examinations and transacting business and shall make such reports to the governor and council as they may require or as the director may deem expedient.
The commissioner of public health shall supervise the work of the board of registration in nursing, the board of registration in pharmacy, the board of registration of physician assistants, the board of registration of perfusionists, the board of registration of nursing home administrators, the board of registration in dentistry and the board of registration of respiratory therapists. He shall recommend changes in the methods of conducting examinations and transacting business, and shall make such reports to the governor as he may require or the director may deem expedient.
The commissioner of public health shall consult with the chair of the board of registration in medicine concerning the operations of the board.