Section 87BB. The board may register any school which it approves, upon payment of a school registration fee as provided in section eighty-seven CC, and such school may biennially be registered upon payment of a renewal fee as provided in said section eighty-seven CC; provided, that standards of professional training satisfactory to the board are there maintained and sufficient course is there given. Any registered hairdresser having not less than two years practical experience as such and any aesthetician having not less than two years practical experience as such who enrolls in a registered school for a training course as an instructor, shall, upon such enrollment, file an application for examination as an instructor, accompanied by the appropriate fee, and said applicant shall, pending said examination as an instructor, be granted by the board, upon payment of a fee to be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven, a temporary license as an assistant instructor, which license shall be valid for a period of six months. Such assistant instructor may, under the direct supervision of a registered instructor, instruct students in such school for the first one hundred hours of his training and thereafter may at the discretion of the school supervisor instruct such students without such direct supervision up to the first five hundred hours of the student’s training; provided, however, that no school shall employ more than one assistant instructor for every two licensed instructors employed by it. Any student upon graduation from a registered school of beauty culture may enroll as a junior assistant instructor and shall upon such enrollment file an application accompanied by the appropriate fee and such applicant shall be granted by the board upon payment of a fee to be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven, a temporary junior assistant instructors’ license which license shall be valid for two years. Any applicant completing two years experience as an operator or junior assistant instructor may, upon application and payment of the appropriate fee, file for an instructors examination or hairdresser license. No school shall employ more than one junior assistant instructor for each licensed instructor employed by such school. The junior assistant instructor shall during such period be deemed to have the authority and responsibility of a licensed instructor. Any registered hairdresser who has had not less than two years practical experience as such and any registered aesthetician who has had not less than two years practical experience as such, and who, after application accompanied by an examination fee as provided in said section eighty-seven CC for a first examination, or a fee as provided in said section eighty-seven CC for a second or subsequent examination, passes an examination satisfactory to the board, may be registered by the board as an instructor, and thereafter may instruct in hairdressing or aesthetics, as the case may be, in any registered school during the period of original registration, and thereafter, upon payment every two years of a renewal fee as provided in said section eighty-seven CC.
No person not licensed as an assistant instructor, junior assistant instructor or so registered as an instructor may instruct in hairdressing or aesthetics in any registered school except as authorized by the board.
No person shall be examined as an instructor or registered as such nor granted a temporary license as an assistant instructor or junior assistant instructor, as provided in this section, unless at the time of filing his application for examination he has successfully completed a four-year high school course or possesses the educational equivalent thereof.
The board may make such reasonable rules and regulations as are necessary for the proper conduct of schools, qualifications of instructors, courses of study, and hours of study, and as to standards of professional training.