Section 87LLL. The board shall, upon the application of any school desiring to teach electrolysis in the commonwealth, inspect such school and notify the governing body thereof in writing if said school is approved by the board, or if not, what action said school must take in order to be licensed by the board. Such application shall be on a form furnished by the board, which application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant. Each application shall be accompanied by a fee to be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven. Such license shall be valid for a period of two years from its date of issue and may be renewed for a like period upon application therefor on blank forms to be furnished by the board. The fee for each such renewal shall be determined under the aforementioned provision. The board and the commissioner of public health, acting in an advisory capacity, shall further establish standards to be met by said electrolysis school and shall require the school to maintain the prescribed course of study. When in the opinion of the board such standards have been met by said school, a license of approval shall be awarded to it. No school, not so licensed, may teach electrolysis. Instructors in licensed schools shall be licensed by the board and shall devote their time, exclusively, while on school premises, to teaching the theory and practice of electrolysis. No person may instruct in any electrolysis school in the commonwealth unless he is so licensed; provided, however, that upon application by an electrolysis school a person may lecture in said school on the subject of histology, bacteriology, sterilization, electricity, hair structure, dermatology, physiology, hygiene, or equipment necessary for the practice of electrolysis without being so licensed, if, in the opinion of the board, said person is properly qualified in any of the above named subjects and is approved by the board to lecture on a subject in which he is found qualified. Each application shall be made upon a form furnished by the board and shall be accompanied by a fee as determined under the aforementioned provision. Such approval by the board shall be valid for two years from the date of issue. If at any time an approved school has, in the opinion of the board, lowered its standards below those established by the board, such license, after notice and hearing, may be revoked by the board. Any applicant aggrieved by the refusal of the board to approve an electrolysis school shall be entitled to have the reasonableness of such refusal reviewed by a justice of the superior court whose decision shall be final.
Any licensed electrologist, desiring to instruct in the practice and theory of electrolysis in a school licensed under this section, shall make application upon a form furnished by the board. Such application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant, and shall be accompanied by a fee to be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven. Each applicant, who shall furnish the board with satisfactory proof that for at least five years he has been actively engaged in the practice of electrology and that he possesses the qualifications to instruct students in the theory and practice of electrolysis, shall be given an examination by the board, and, if he passes such examination, shall be licensed as a qualified instructor, and granted a license signed by the chairman and the secretary of the board in testimony thereof. Such license shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of its issue, and may be renewed for a like period upon application therefor on blank forms to be furnished by the board. The fee for each such renewal shall be determined under the aforementioned provision. Such license shall be valid only when instructing in an electrolysis school licensed under this section.