Section 10. The division shall establish a program of medical care and assistance for pregnant women and infants who are not otherwise eligible for medical assistance under this chapter and who lack private health insurance coverage or have a health insurance policy which does not cover all medically necessary care which is covered by the program established by this section. The division shall furnish such medical assistance to each such pregnant woman and infants residing in the commonwealth in accordance with the standards of eligibility established pursuant to section 9A, section 16C or Title XIX; provided, however, that the income eligibility standards shall not be less than one hundred and eighty-five per cent of the non-farm income poverty guidelines as defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget.
The division shall, to the extent permitted by Title XIX, provide for Medicaid in the form of ambulatory care to pregnant women who are presumptively eligible for Medicaid for the period of time prescribed by federal law. The division shall promulgate regulations to implement this section, which shall require health care providers to notify such pregnant women of the need to file an application for Medicaid and which shall set standards to be used by providers in determining presumptive eligibility.