Section 24. The division shall develop and issue a document for consumers to be known as the health plan report card, containing information and data providing a basis by which health insurance plans may be evaluated and compared by consumers. The division may contract for the design and production of said report. The report shall be made available to residents of the commonwealth, upon request, by the office of patient protection in the department of public health, and shall be updated and issued annually by said office in consultation with the division. In preparing such report card, the division shall, to the extent possible, use information already reported by health insurance plans, including, but not limited to, the health plan employer data and information set established by the National Committee on Quality Assurance. The division shall consult with the department of public health and the division of insurance in determining the content and format of such report card, and shall make such report card available on the internet site established by the office of patient protection in the department of public health.