Section 3. In addition to the powers conferred on state agencies, the division shall have the following powers:—
(a) to make, amend and repeal rules and regulations for the management of its affairs;
(b) to make contracts and execute all instruments necessary or convenient for the carrying on of its business;
(c) to acquire, own, hold, dispose of, and encumber personal property and to lease real property in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties;
(d) to enter into agreements or transactions with any federal, state or municipal agency or other public institution or with any private individual, partnership, firm, corporation, association or other entity;
(e) to design and to revise, consistent with this chapter, a basic schedule of health care services that enrollees in any health insurance program implemented by the division shall be eligible to receive. Such covered services shall include those which typically are included in employer-sponsored health benefit plans in the commonwealth. The division may promulgate schedules of covered health care services which differ from the basic schedule and which apply to specific classes of enrollees. The division may promulgate a schedule of premium contributions, co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles for said programs, including reduced premiums based on a sliding fee, and other fees and revise them from time to time, subject to the approval of the division of insurance; and provided, however, that such schedule shall provide for such enrollees to pay one hundred per cent of such premium contributions if their income substantially exceeds the non-farm poverty guidelines of the United States office of management and budget;
(f) to maintain a prudent level of reserve funds to protect the solvency of any trust funds under the operation and control of the division.