Section 6C. (a) The division shall prepare a form, to be called the employer health insurance responsibility disclosure, on which an employer shall report whether it is in compliance with chapter 151F and any other information required by the division relative to sections 6B and 18B. The form shall be completed, signed and returned to the division by every employer with 11 or more full-time equivalent employees.
(b) The division shall prepare a form, to be called the employee health insurance responsibility disclosure, on which an employee of employers with 11 or more full-time equivalent employees who declines an employer-sponsored health plan shall report whether he has an alternative source of health insurance coverage. The form shall be completed and signed by the employee and shall be retained by the employer for 3 years. The division may request a copy of the signed employee form.
[ Subsection (c) effective until August 7, 2009. For text effective August 7, 2009, see below.]
(c) Information that identifies individual employees by name or health insurance status shall not be a public record, but the information may be exchanged with the department of revenue and the health care access bureau in the division of insurance under an interagency service agreement for the purposes of enforcing this section and sections 6B and 18B. Nothing in this section shall prevent the implementation of section 304 of chapter 149 of the acts of 2004. An employer who knowingly falsifies or fails to file with the division any information required by this section or by any regulation promulgated by the division shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000.
[ Subsection (c) as amended by 2009, 65, Sec. 9 effective August 7, 2009. For text effective until August 7, 2009, see above.]
(c) Information that is collected pursuant to subsection (a) or that identifies individual employees by name or health insurance status shall not be a public record, but the information may be exchanged with the department of revenue, the commonwealth health insurance connector authority and the health care access bureau in the division of insurance under an interagency service agreement for the purposes of enforcing this section and sections 6B and 18B and section 3 of chapter 118H. Nothing in this section shall prevent the implementation of section 304 of chapter 149 of the acts of 2004. An employer who knowingly falsifies or fails to file with the division any information required by this section or by any regulation promulgated by the division shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000.