Section 9. Except for rates established pursuant to section eleven, any person, corporation or other party aggrieved by an interim rate or a final rate established by the division, or by failure of the executive office to set a rate or to take other action required by law and desiring a review thereof shall, within thirty days after said rate is filed with the state secretary or may, at any time, if there is a failure to determine a rate or take any action required by law, file an appeal with the division of hearings officers established by section four H of chapter seven. Any appeal filed under this section shall be accompanied by a certified statement that said appeal is not interposed for delay. On appeal, the rate determined for any provider of services shall be adequate, fair and reasonable for such provider, based upon, the costs of such provider, but not limited thereto.
On an appeal from an interim rate or a final rate the division of hearings officers shall conduct an adjudicatory proceeding in accordance with chapter thirty A, and said division shall file its decision with the commissioner and the state secretary within thirty days after the conclusion of the hearing.
Said decision shall contain a statement of the reasons therefore, including a determination of each issue of fact or law upon which such decision was based. If such decision results in a recommendation for a rate different from that certified, the executive office shall establish a new rate based upon such statement of reasons. If the commissioner determines that the statement of reasons is inadequate to determine a fair, reasonable and adequate rate, it may remand the appeal to the hearing officer for further investigation. Any party aggrieved by a decision of the division may, within thirty days of the receipt of such decision, file a petition for review in superior court for the county of Suffolk, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction thereof.
A provider may appeal as an aggrieved party in accordance with the provisions of the preceding sentence, in the event that a remand by the executive office to a hearing officer does not result in a final decision by the executive office within twenty-one days of the date of remand.
The petition shall set forth the grounds upon which the decision of the division should be set aside. The aggrieved party shall, within seven days after the petition for review is filed, notify the executive office and all the parties to the appeal before said division that a petition for review has been filed by sending each a copy thereof. Within forty days after the petition for review is filed, or within such further time as the court may allow, the division of hearings officers shall file in court the original or a certified copy of the record under review. The court may affirm, modify or set aside the decision of the executive office in whole or in part, remand the decision to the executive office for further proceedings, or enter such other order as justice may require. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the division from granting temporary relief if, in its discretion, such relief is justified nor, from informally adjusting or settling controversies with the consent of all parties.
Judicial review shall be governed by section fourteen of chapter thirty A to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this section.