Section 39J. Expenses for services provided children alleged or adjudicated to be children in need of services shall be paid by the county in which the court sits upon written certification thereof by the court. The clerk of court shall collect and transmit to the county treasurer, or, in Suffolk county, to the auditor of Boston, hereinafter included in the term “county treasurer”, together with an attested copy of the court’s order, all bills and vouchers for the costs of any services authorized by the court under the provisions of sections thirty-nine E to thirty-nine I, inclusive. The county treasurer shall keep a record of all payments made for said services, including therein the name of the child, the name or names and addresses of any public or private organization or persons to whom payment is made, the services for which payment is made, and the date upon which payment was made. Periodically, according to a schedule established by the treasurer and receiver-general of the commonwealth, the several county treasurers shall requisition funds from the commonwealth to cover such payments made by the counties during the preceding period. The state treasurer shall pay said requisitions from such sums as may have been appropriated or are otherwise available therefor, and he may require any documentation that he deems appropriate before making payment. Any state agency, department or secretariat which provides, operates, maintains, supervises or funds a program under which any of the services authorized in sections thirty-nine E to thirty-nine I, inclusive, are available may, to the extent consistent with the purposes of such program, provide such services or release funds to the state treasurer for reimbursement by him to the counties for services provided by others which are within the scope of the services authorized in said sections thirty-nine E to thirty-nine I, inclusive.
The state treasurer shall on or before December first of each year render a written report to the general court containing statistics showing the purpose and amounts of expenditures for said services by the various counties for which the commonwealth has made reimbursement, and making such recommendations for change in the law as he shall see fit.