Section 136A. The following words and phrases as used in sections one hundred and thirty-seven to one hundred and seventy-five, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, shall have the following meanings:
“Adoption”, the delivery of a cat or dog to any person eighteen years of age or older for the purpose of harboring as a pet.
“Commissioner”, the commissioner of public health.
“Director”, the director of the division of accounts of the department of corporations and taxation.
“Dog fund”, the fees, fines and reimbursements collected in connection with the licensing of dogs and the enforcement of said sections.
“Dog officer”, any officer appointed under said sections to enforce the laws relating to dogs.
“Keeper”, any person, corporation or society, other than the owner, harboring or having in his possession any dog.
“Kennel”, one pack or collection of dogs on a single premises, whether maintained for breeding, boarding, sale, training, hunting or other purposes and including any shop where dogs are on sale, and also including every pack or collection of more than three dogs three months old or over owned or kept by a person on a single premises irrespective of the purpose for which they are maintained.
“License period”, the time between April first and the following March thirty-first, both dates inclusive.
“Live stock or fowls”, animals or fowls kept or propagated by the owner for food or as a means of livelihood; also deer, elk, cottontail rabbits and northern hares, pheasants, quail, partridge and other birds and quadrupeds determined by the department of fisheries, wildlife and environmental law enforcement to be wild and kept by, or under a permit from, said department in proper houses or suitable enclosed yards. Such phrase shall not include dogs, cats and other pets.
“Research institution”, any institution operated by the United States or by the commonwealth or a political subdivision thereof, or any school or college of medicine, public health, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine or agriculture, medical diagnostic laboratory or biological laboratory, hospital or other educational or scientific establishment within the commonwealth above the rank of secondary school, which, in connection with any of its activities, investigates or gives instruction concerning the structure or functions of living organisms or the causes, prevention, control or cure of diseases or abnormal conditions of human beings or animals.
“Shelter”, a public animal control facility, or any other facility which is operated by any organization or individual for the purpose of protecting animals from cruelty, neglect, or abuse.