Section 151A. In the several cities and towns of the several counties, except Suffolk county, the mayor or board of selectmen shall annually within ten days after June first issue a warrant to such dog officer or officers directing him or them to seek out, catch and confine all dogs within the city or town which then have not been licensed, collared or harnessed, and tagged, as required by this chapter, and to enter and prosecute a complaint for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter against the owners or keepers thereof, if known, and to kill or cause to be killed by methods of execution other than gunshot except in case of emergency, T-61, so-called, an euthanasia solution not under the control of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, unless by a veterinarian, succinylcholine cholide, any drugs that have curariform-like action, electrocution or any other method which causes an unnecessarily cruel death each such dog which after being detained by or for him for a period of ten days shall not then have been licensed, collared or harnessed, and tagged; provided, that at the end of ten days such dog officer may make available for adoption any male or any spayed female dog not found to be diseased, for a sum not less than three dollars and shall keep an account of all moneys received by him for such adoption and shall forthwith pay over such sums to the town treasurer who shall forward all such money to the county treasurer in the same manner as dog license money as provided in section one hundred and forty-seven. Before delivery of any dog so adopted such dog officer shall require the purchaser to show identification and to procure a license and tag for such dog from the clerk of the town where the dog is to be kept. Dogs confined under authority of this section shall be confined in a place suitable for the detention and care of dogs and kept in a sanitary condition, or they may be placed in the care of the holder of a kennel license or of a domestic charitable corporation incorporated exclusively for the purpose of protecting animals from cruelty, neglect or abuse. The county commissioners from time to time shall cause all such places to be inspected and shall make necessary orders in relation thereto. A dog officer having custody of a confined dog shall be allowed the sum of three dollars per day for the care of such dog, payable by the owner or keeper thereof, if known, otherwise from the dog fund.
Every dog officer shall make, keep, and maintain systems of records or forms which fully and correctly disclose the following information concerning each animal in his custody:
The date and location of each apprehension; a description of each animal; place of confinement; if tagged, the name and address of owners of such animal; name and address of new owner including the date of sale or transfer of such animal; and, if animal is destroyed, the dog officer shall record the method and date of destruction and the name of the person who executed such animal. Every dog officer shall forward a copy of said record to the town or city clerk as soon as possible. Copies of such record shall, for a period of two years, be kept in the offices of the county dog office and the city or town clerk where such dog officer is employed.
In the cities and towns of Suffolk county, the mayor or board of selectmen shall annually within seven days after June first issue a warrant to such dog officer or officers directing him to seek out, catch and confine all dogs within the city or town which then have not been licensed, collared or harnessed, and tagged, as required by this chapter, and to enter and prosecute a complaint for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter against the owners or keepers thereof, if known, and to kill or cause to be killed by methods of execution other than gunshot except in case of emergency, T-61, so-called, an euthanasia solution not under the control of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, unless by a veterinarian, succinylcholine cholide, any drugs that have curariform-like action, electrocution or any other method which causes an unnecessarily cruel death each such dog which after being detained by or for him for a period of seven days shall not then have been licensed, collared or harnessed, and tagged; provided, that at the end of seven days such dog officer may make available for adoption any male or any spayed female dog not found to be diseased, for a sum not less than three dollars and shall keep an account of all moneys received by him for such adoption and shall forthwith pay over such sums to the town treasurer who shall forward all such money to the county treasurer in the same manner as dog license money as provided in section one hundred and forty-seven. Before delivery of any dog so adopted such dog officer shall require the purchaser to procure a license and tag for such dog from the clerk of the town where the dog is kept. Dogs confined under authority of this section shall be confined in a place suitable for the detention and care of dogs and kept in a sanitary condition, or they may be placed in the care of the holder of a kennel license or of a domestic charitable corporation incorporated exclusively for the purpose of protecting animals from cruelty, neglect or abuse. The county commissioners from time to time shall cause all such places to be inspected and shall make necessary orders in relation thereto. A dog officer having custody of a confined dog shall be allowed the sum of three dollars per day for the care of such dog, payable by the owner or keeper thereof, if known, otherwise from the dog fund.