Section 30. A license issued under sections twenty-two to thirty-one, inclusive, or an innholder’s license, shall be revoked if at any time the licensing authorities are satisfied that the licensee is unfit to hold the license. They may suspend and make inoperative, for such period of time as they may deem proper, the licenses mentioned herein for any cause deemed satisfactory to them. The revocation and suspension shall not be made until after investigation and a hearing, or after giving the licensee an opportunity to be heard; notice of the hearing shall be left at the premises of the licensee not less than three days before the time therefor.
Any person aggrieved by a determination of a licensing authority pursuant to the provisions of this section or by the failure of a licensing authority to grant or act upon a renewal license shall have the right to appeal in accordance with the provisions of chapter thirty A to the housing court division of the trial court having jurisdiction in the city or town wherein the lodging premises are located or if there is no such housing court division having jurisdiction, the superior court division of the trial court.