Section 56A. The licensing authorities of any city or town may grant and may suspend or revoke at pleasure a license to conduct a shooting gallery upon such terms and conditions as they deem proper. Before the granting of a license hereunder, the applicant for the license shall file with the clerk of such city or town, a bond running to the city or town, with sureties approved by the treasurer thereof, for such penal sum, not exceeding five thousand dollars, as the licensing authority granting the license shall determine to be necessary, such bond to be conditioned upon the payment of any loss, damage or injury resulting to persons or property by reason of the conduct of such shooting gallery. The term “shooting gallery”, as used in this section, shall mean a public resort equipped with appliances for target shooting. Licenses issued hereunder shall expire on May first following the date of issue. The fee for each original license as well as each renewal thereof shall be established in a town by town meeting action and in a city by city council action, and in a town with no town meeting by town council action, by adoption of appropriate by-laws and ordinances to set such fees, but in no event shall any such fee be greater than twenty dollars, and five dollars for each renewal thereof. Whoever conducts a shooting gallery unless licensed hereunder shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars.