Section 83. The district engineering inspectors of the division shall act as examiners of applicants for fire sprinkler system contractor, pipefitter, refrigeration and sprinkler fitter licenses. For the examination of pipefitters the division shall use the rules and regulations from national codes as may be necessary to effectuate the licensing provisions of this chapter, including the rules and regulations of sections, I, II, III, IV, VIII, and IX of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the ANSI B-31 Codes, and rules and regulations formulated and adopted by the bureau.
For the examination of refrigeration technicians the division shall use the rules and regulations from national codes as may be necessary to effectuate the licensing provisions of this chapter, including codes resulting from recommendations of the National Academy of Science for the safe handling and storage of chlorofluorocarbon materials to protect the earth’s ozone layer, codes relative to the energy efficiency of refrigeration systems designed to meet national conservation goals, and the rules and regulations formulated and adopted by the bureau.
For the examination of fire protection sprinkler system contractors and sprinkler fitters, the division shall use the rules and regulations of national codes as may be necessary to effectuate the licensing provisions of this chapter.