Section 85. Each application for a license under this section shall be filed with the division on a blank furnished by the division. The division shall hold examinations in such cities and at such times as may be necessary.
The fee for the first license of a master pipefitter, journeyman pipefitter, apprentice pipefitter, refrigeration contractor, fire protection sprinkler system contractor, refrigeration technician or sprinkler fitter; and for any biennial renewal thereof; or for examination therefor shall be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven for the filing thereof. Licenses shall be valid throughout the commonwealth but shall not be assignable or transferable. No person, firm, organization or corporation shall receive a license as a fire protection sprinkler system contractor unless the application therefor designates at least one of its officers, partners, or manager, as its representative for the purpose of obtaining its said license and such officer, partner, or manager, so designated shall apply to the bureau for a fire protection sprinkler system contractor’s license in his own name at the time. Said license shall contain the name of the fire protection sprinkler system’s firm, organization, corporation and the name of the individual who actually holds a fire protection sprinkler system contractor’s license. A license shall continue in force until the date of birth of the licensee occurring more than twelve months but not more than twenty-four months after the date of such license unless suspended or revoked for incompetence or untrustworthiness of the licensee. If any such license or the renewal thereof expires in an even year, any subsequent renewal shall expire on the next anniversary of the licensee’s date of birth occurring in an even year. If any such license or renewal thereof expires in an odd year, any subsequent renewal shall expire on the next anniversary of the licensee’s date of birth occurring in an odd year. A license issued to a person born on February twenty-ninth shall for the purpose of this section expire on March first. Licenses not renewed at the expiration date shall become void, and shall after one year be reinstated only by reexamination of the licensee. A notice of the date of expiration of a license shall, at least thirty days prior to such date, be set to the licensee.