Section 24. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the authority and all its real and personal property shall be exempt from taxation and from betterments and special assessments; and the authority shall not be required to pay any tax, excise or assessment to or for the commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions; nor shall the authority be required to pay any fee or charge for any permit or license, nor any compliance fee, issued to it by the commonwealth, by any department, board or officer thereof, or by any political subdivision of the commonwealth, or by any department, board or officer of such political subdivision, or by any department; and, so far as constitutionally permissible, the authority shall be exempt from tolls for the use of highways, bridges and tunnels. Bonds and notes issued by the authority, their transfer and the income therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the commonwealth.
Notwithstanding section 168 of chapter 175 or any other general or special law to the contrary, the authority shall be exempt from any fees or taxes associated with surplus lines insurance; provided, however, that the exemption shall extend to any insurance broker for any insurance premium tax or surplus lines tax being incurred or having been incurred by the insurance broker as a result of the insurance having been procured, placed, negotiated, continued or renewed for or on behalf of the authority.