Section 46. The directors may promulgate rules and regulations pertaining to the parking of motor vehicles in any terminals, stations, garages, yards, shops, parking lots, or parking garages owned or operated by the authority, but specifically excluding any streets, ways, highways, roads and parkways. The authority may, by a vote of the directors, adopt the provisions of section 20A of chapter 90; provided, however, that the directors establish rules and regulations creating regional districts throughout the authority consisting of contiguous cities or towns within which the parking clerk shall regularly conduct hearings.
The authority may promulgate rules and regulations concerning any posted authority bus stops throughout the authority service area. The authority, in consultation with the registry of motor vehicles, shall develop a uniform citation for the violation of parking a motor vehicle within a posted authority bus stop and all such citations issued by the authority shall be processed by the authority and the revenue generated from those citations shall be distributed equally between the authority and the municipality in which the citation was issued. Nothing in this section shall impair a municipality’s authority to issue citations for parking in a posted bus stop within that municipality. All citations for parking in a posted bus stop issued by a municipality shall be processed by the municipality and the municipality shall retain all the revenue generated by the citations. Not more than 1 citation shall be issued to the same vehicle for parking in a posted bus stop within a 24-hour period. If a Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority police officer tows a vehicle, the tow shall be completed in a manner consistent with the towing policies and procedures of the municipality in which the illegally parked vehicle is located.