[Text of section added by 2008, 521, Sec. 9 effective July 1, 2011. See 2008, 521, Sec. 44.]
Section 3-617. [Special Representative; Formal Proceedings; Power and Duties.]
(a) A special personal representative appointed by order of the court in any formal proceeding has the power of a general personal representative except as limited by section 3-715(b) and in the appointment and duties as prescribed in the order. The appointment may be for a period of up to 90 days except in extraordinary circumstances, in which case the court may order an appointment for a longer period. The court may, for good cause shown, extend the appointment for additional period, of up to 90 days.
(b) A special personal representative shall have authority to distribute only pursuant to part 7 of article III, and pursuant to specific orders of the court.