[Text of section added by 2008, 521, Sec. 9 effective July 1, 2009. See 2008, 521, Sec. 44.]
Section 5-410. [Bond.]
(a) A conservator, temporary conservator and special conservator shall furnish a bond conditioned upon faithful discharge of all duties of the trust according to law and containing a statement of acceptance of the duties of the office. A surety shall be required on the bond of a conservator, except the court may waive the requirement of sureties for good cause shown by the conservator. A bond with sureties shall be in the amount established by the court.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), but subject to section 5-415, a conservator shall not be required to furnish sureties on his bond if the conservator has a priority for appointment under section 5-409(a)(1) and the person nominating the conservator expressly waives the requirement.