[Text of section added by 2008, 521, Sec. 9 effective July 1, 2009. See 2008, 521, Sec. 44.]
Section 5-416. [General Duty of Conservator; Plan.]
(a) A conservator, in relation to powers conferred by this part, or implicit in the title acquired by virtue of the proceeding, shall act as a fiduciary and observe the standards of care applicable to trustees as described by chapter 203C.
(b) A conservator shall exercise authority only as necessitated by the mental and adaptive limitations of the protected person, and to the extent possible, encourage the person to participate in decisions, to act in the person’s own behalf, and to develop or regain the ability to manage the person’s estate and business affairs.
(c) The court may order a conservator to file with the appointing court a plan for managing, expending, and distributing the assets of the protected person’s estate. The plan shall be based on the actual needs of the person and take into consideration the best interest of the person. The conservator shall include in the plan steps to develop or restore the person’s ability to manage the person’s property, an estimate of the duration of the conservatorship, and projections for expenses and resources.
(d) In investing an estate, selecting assets of the estate for distribution, and invoking powers of revocation or withdrawal available for the use and benefit of the protected person and exercisable by the conservator, a conservator shall take into account any estate plan of the person known to the conservator and may examine the will and any other donative, nominative, or other appointive instrument of the person.