Section 70. Whoever, not being a member and without authority of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, the Grand Army of the Republic, the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, the Woman’s Relief Corps, the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., the Union Veterans’ Union, the Union Veteran Legion, the Military and Naval Order of the Spanish-American War, the United Spanish War Veterans, the American Officers of the Great War, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, the Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States, the Disabled American Veterans of the World War, the Yankee Division Veterans’ Association, The American Legion, the Army and Navy Union, U.S.A., the American Veterans of World War II, AMVETS, the American Veterans’ Committee, Inc., the Franco-American War Veterans, Inc., the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the Seabee Veterans of America, Inc.—Department of Massachusetts, the Italian American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated, the PT Veterans Association, Inc., the Fleet Reserve Association, United States Navy, the American Portuguese War Veterans Association, Polish-American Veterans of Massachusetts, Inc., and its affiliated posts, the Navy Club of the United States of America, or the Marine Corps League or the Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A., wilfully wears or uses the insignia, distinctive ribbons or membership rosette or button thereof for the purpose of representing that he is a member thereof or displays on his property or permits to be displayed thereon any such insignia, distinctive ribbon, membership rosette or button, or any sign or statement for the purpose of falsely representing that such property is occupied by or is the quarters of any such veterans’ organization, shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one month, or both.