Sec. 15.
(1) Notwithstanding subsection (2), a public employer that has 100 or more employees in a medical benefit plan shall be provided with claims utilization and cost information as provided in subsection (3).
(2) A public employer who is in an arrangement with 1 or more other public employers, and together have 100 or more employees in a medical benefit plan or have signed a letter of intent to enter together 100 or more public employees into a medical benefit plan, shall be provided with claims utilization and cost information as provided in subsection (3) that is aggregated for all the public employees together of those public employers, and, except as otherwise permitted under subsection (1), shall not be separated out for any of those public employers.
(3) All medical benefit plans in this state shall compile, and shall make available electronically as provided in subsections (1) and (2), complete and accurate claims utilization and cost information for the medical benefit plan in the aggregate and for each public employer as follows:
(a) For persons covered under the medical benefit plan, census information, including date of birth, gender, zip code, and medical tier, such as single, dependent, or family.
(b) Monthly claims by provider type and service category reported by the total number and dollar amounts of claims paid and reported separately for in-network and out-of-network providers.
(c) The number of claims paid over $50,000.00 and the total dollar amount of those claims.
(d) The dollar amounts paid for specific and aggregate stop-loss insurance.
(e) The dollar amount of administrative expenses incurred or paid, reported separately for medical, pharmacy, dental, and vision.
(f) The total dollar amount of retentions and other expenses.
(g) The dollar amount for all service fees paid.
(h) The dollar amount of any fees or commissions paid to agents, consultants, or brokers by the medical benefit plan or by any public employer or carrier participating in or providing services to the medical benefit plan, reported separately for medical, pharmacy, stop-loss, dental, and vision.
(i) Other information as may be required by the commissioner.
(4) The claims utilization and cost information required to be compiled under this section shall be compiled on an annual basis and shall cover a relevant period. For purposes of this subsection, the term "relevant period" means the 36-month period ending no more than 120 days prior to the effective date or renewal date of the medical benefit plan under consideration. However, if the medical benefit plan has been in effect for a period of less than 36 months, the relevant period shall be that shorter period.
(5) A public employer or combination of public employers shall disclose the claims utilization and cost information required to be provided under subsections (1) and (2) to any carrier or administrator it solicits to provide benefits or administrative services for its medical benefit plan, and to the employee representative of employees covered under the medical benefit plan, and upon request to any carrier or administrator who requests the opportunity to submit a proposal to provide benefits or administrative services for the medical benefit plan at the time of the request for bids. The public employer shall make the claims utilization and cost information required under this section available at cost and within a reasonable period of time.
(6) The claims utilization and cost information required under this section shall include only de-identified health information as permitted under the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996, Public Law 104-191, or regulations promulgated under that act, 45 CFR parts 160 and 164, and shall not include any protected health information as defined in the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996, Public Law 104-191, or regulations promulgated under that act, 45 CFR parts 160 and 164.
(7) All claims utilization and cost information described in this section is required to be compiled beginning 60 days after the effective date of this act. However, claims utilization and cost information already being compiled on the effective date of this act is subject to this section on the effective date of this act.
History: 2007, Act 106, Imd. Eff. Oct. 1, 2007