WHEREAS, Section 1 of Article V of the Michigan Constitution of 1963 vests the executive power of the State of Michigan in the Governor;
WHEREAS, Section 2 of Article V of the Michigan Constitution of 1963 empowers the Governor to make changes in the organization of the executive branch or in the assignment of functions among its units that the Governor considers necessary for efficient administration;
WHEREAS, the organization of economic development functions within state government can benefit from regular review and periodic reorganization;
WHEREAS, improvements in the organization of state government are necessary to provide Michigan residents and job providers with improved delivery of state services;
WHEREAS, it is necessary in the interests of efficient administration and effectiveness of government to change the organization of the executive branch of state government;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jennifer M. Granholm, Governor of the State of Michigan, by virtue of the power vested in the Governor by the Michigan Constitution of 1963 and Michigan law direct the following:
As used in this Order:
A. “Brownfield Redevelopment Board” means the board created within the Department of Environmental Quality under Section 20104a of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20104a.
B. “Department of Environmental Quality” means the principal department of state government created under Executive Order 1995-18, MCL 324.99903.
C. “Michigan Economic Growth Authority” means the authority created under the Michigan Economic Growth Authority Act, 1995 PA 24, MCL 207.801 to 207.810, and transferred to the Michigan Strategic Fund under Executive Order 1999-1, MCL 408.40.
D. “Michigan Strategic Fund” means the public body corporate and politic created under Section 5 of the Michigan Strategic Fund Act, 1984 PA 270, MCL 125.2005.
A. The position as a member of the Michigan Economic Growth Authority designated for the Director of the Michigan Jobs Commission or his or her authorized representative under Section 4(2)(a) of the Michigan Economic Growth Authority Act, 1995 PA 24, MCL 207.804(2)(a), and transferred to the Chief Executive Officer of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation or his or her authorized representative under Executive Order 2003-18, MCL 445.2011, is transferred to the President of the Michigan Strategic Fund. The President of the Michigan Strategic Fund, or his or her authorized representative from within the Michigan Strategic Fund, shall serve as a member of the Michigan Economic Growth Authority.
B. The designation as Chairperson of the Michigan Economic Growth Authority provided for the Director of the Michigan Jobs Commission or his or her authorized representative under Section 4(2)(a) of the Michigan Economic Growth Authority Act, 1995 PA 24, MCL 207.804(2)(a), and transferred to the Director of the Department of Labor and Economic Growth under Executive Order 2003-18, MCL 445.2011, is transferred to the President of the Michigan Strategic Fund or his or her authorized representative from within the Michigan Strategic Fund. The President of the Michigan Strategic Fund, or his or her authorized representative from within the Michigan Strategic Fund serving as a member of the Michigan Economic Growth Authority under Section II.A, shall serve as the Chairperson of the Michigan Economic Growth Authority.
A. The position on the Brownfield Redevelopment Board created under Section 20104a of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.20104a, designated for the Chief Executive Officer of the Michigan Jobs Commission or his or her designee and transferred to the Director of the Department of Labor and Economic Growth or his or her authorized representative under Executive Order 2003-18, MCL 445.2011, is transferred to the President of the Michigan Strategic Fund. The President of the Michigan Strategic Fund, or his or her authorized representative from within the Michigan Strategic Fund, shall serve as a member of the Brownfield Redevelopment Board.
B. The Director of the Department of Environmental Quality or the authorized representative of the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality serving as a member of the Brownfield Development Board shall serve as the Chairperson of the Brownfield Redevelopment Board.
A. The President of the Michigan Strategic Fund shall provide executive direction and supervision for the implementation of all transfers under this Order.
B. The President of the Michigan Strategic Fund shall administer the assigned functions transferred under this Order in such ways as to promote efficient administration.
C. The President of the Michigan Strategic Fund may delegate within the Michigan Strategic Fund a duty or power conferred on the President of the Michigan Strategic Fund by this Order or by other law or order, and the individual to whom the duty or power is delegated may perform the duty or exercise the power at the time and to the extent that the power is delegated by the President of the Michigan Strategic Fund.
D. All rules, orders, contracts, and agreements relating to the functions transferred under this Order lawfully adopted prior to the effective date of this Order shall continue to be effective until revised, amended, repealed, or rescinded.
E. Any suit, action, or other proceeding lawfully commenced by, against, or before any entity affected by this Order, shall not abate by reason of the taking effect of this Order. Any suit, action, or other proceeding may be maintained by, against, or before the appropriate successor of any entity affected by this Order.
F. The invalidity of any portion of this Order shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Order, which may be given effect without any invalid portion. Any portion of this Order found invalid by a court or other entity with proper jurisdiction shall be severable from the remaining portions of this Order.
History: 2006, E.R.O. No. 2006-1, Eff. Sept. 24, 2006