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Section 168.667 - Election supplies to be furnished at county expense.

Act 116 of 1954

168.667 Election supplies to be furnished at county expense.

Sec. 667.

At any federal, state, district or county primary or election, the various boards of county election commissioners shall furnish, at the expense of their respective counties, the following:

(a) The several boards of election commissioners shall furnish suitable forms for use by the precinct inspectors of election in making returns of any such primary or election to the boards of county canvassers. The names of all qualified candidates shall be printed thereon in their proper office divisions and after each name there shall be provided spaces in which to write the number of votes received by that particular candidate in any given precinct in words and figures. Said prescribed forms shall also have printed thereon the title or caption or other designation identifying any amendment or question to be voted on, together with spaces similar to those provided after the names of candidates for recording the affirmative and negative votes cast for each such amendment or question. Said statement of returns form shall also contain a certificate to be subscribed by each member of the precinct election board in the following form:


WE DO HEREBY CERTIFY That the foregoing is a correct statement of returns of the votes cast in the precinct indicated above, at the (primary or election) held on .........., the .......... day of .............., 19...., for the several candidates and for the (amendments or propositions) herein shown.

WE DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY That all ballots cast at the (primary or election) held in the above designated precinct of the (city, ward, township or village) of .........., State of Michigan, on the .......... day of .........., in the year 19...., have been securely tied in packages or rolls and sealed in such manner as to render it impossible to open such packages or rolls or remove any of the contents thereof without breaking the said seals; that there was endorsed on each of said packages or rolls a statement showing the number and kind of ballots included in each such package or roll; that all of said packages or rolls, so endorsed, together with one tally sheet, were placed in the proper ballot box or boxes; that the slots in the ballot boxes were closed, that the ballot boxes were securely sealed with the official metal seals furnished for that purpose; that such seals were affixed in such manner as to render it impossible to open such ballot boxes without breaking such seals.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands this .... day of ...................., A.D., 19.... . ....................... ....................... ....................... Members of the Board of Election Inspectors

(b) The several county boards of election commissioners shall, at the expense of their respective counties, furnish suitable tally sheets or combined tally and return sheets to be used by the inspectors of election in counting the votes for all candidates and for amendments or propositions submitted on ballots prepared by said commissioners and shall deliver the same to the inspectors of election, as provided in this act in the case of ballots;

(c) The various boards of county election commissioners shall furnish self-addressed substantial paper envelopes with gummed flaps to be used by the various boards of precinct election inspectors for sealing the statements of returns, the tally books or combined tally and return sheets, poll lists and a certificate of election inspectors;

(d) The several boards of county election commissioners shall furnish a sufficient number of substantial paper wrappers for use in wrapping the packages or rolls of each kind of ballots cast at any state or county primary or election. Such wrappers shall have printed thereon a form for recording the date of the election, the city, ward or township and precinct, the number and kind of ballots contained in such package or roll and a statement to be signed by the chairman certifying that such ballots have been wrapped, tied and sealed in the required manner. The board of election commissioners of any city or township may supply a bag type container to be used in lieu of the paper wrappers. The minimum specifications of such bag type containers shall be established by the secretary of state. If such bag type containers are to be used in any city or township, the clerk thereof shall notify the county clerk and thereafter paper wrappers shall not be furnished to such city or township. Each specific type of bag type container shall be approved by the secretary of state before being used. Such bag shall have securely attached thereto a tag on which can be written the same information as is required to be placed on the paper wrappers and such bag shall contain a device whereby it can be sealed with a metal seal. Hereafter any references in law to the wrapping and sealing of paper ballots by precinct inspectors shall be deemed to include placing of ballots in bag type containers and sealing of such bags in precincts using bag type containers in lieu of paper wrappers; and

(e) The board of election commissioners of each county shall provide, at the expense of the county, for each state, district or county election in said county, as many black or blue lead pencils as may be necessary to supply each election precinct with at least 3 of such pencils for each booth erected in such precinct. The pencils provided for each precinct shall be enclosed with the official ballots when delivered to the city or township clerk as by law provided. The inspectors of election shall attach such pencils with strings, or in other suitable manner, to the shelf of the booth. The board of election commissioners of each county shall issue a warrant in payment for said pencils, and said warrant shall be paid by the county treasurer out of the general fund of the county.

History: 1954, Act 116, Eff. June 1, 1955 ;-- Am. 1957, Act 222, Eff. Sept. 27, 1957
Popular Name: Election Code

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