Sec. 7.
Any person that operates or desires to operate a slaughterhouse, edible rendering establishment, or wholesale fabricating, processing or storage establishment handling meat products shall apply to the department for a license to operate the establishment. No person shall operate a slaughterhouse or edible rendering establishment and after July 1, 1969, no person shall operate a wholesale fabricating, processing or storage establishment handling meat products without a license from the department. The cost of such a license shall be $100.00. A licensee engaging in more than 1 of such operations on the same premises is required to have only 1 license. Application for license shall be on a form furnished by the department and shall show ownership, location and such other information that may be required by the department. License for each slaughterhouse, edible rendering establishment, wholesale fabricating, processing or storage establishment handling meat products shall expire on December 31 of each year and shall be renewed annually. Revenues from license fees shall be deposited with the state treasury and credited to the general fund of the state. Each licensee under this act shall be assigned an establishment number by the department. Such number shall be displayed in accordance with regulations prescribed by the director. All expenses of approved district, county, city, township or village meat inspection programs certified by the director shall be paid by the department from funds appropriated annually by the legislature for this purpose. Expenses for approved local meat inspection programs shall be submitted to the director, who upon verification of these expenses, shall certify them to be correct and transmit them to the state treasurer for payment. The cost of meat inspection in any slaughterhouse, edible rendering establishment, wholesale fabricating, processing or storage establishment handling meat products to be paid for by the department shall be those costs incurred during a normal 8-hour working period within a 24-hour day and a 40-hour, 5-day week. Whenever it becomes necessary to operate a slaughterhouse, edible rendering establishment, wholesale fabricating, processing or storage establishment handling meat products more than 8 consecutive hours during a 24-hour period or more than 5 days in 1 week or on a legal holiday, such additional costs for meat inspection service, over 8 hours a day or 5 days a week or on a legal holiday, shall be paid for by the owner of the establishment in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the director of the department. All moneys collected by the department for meat inspection services shall be deposited with the state treasury and credited to the general fund of the state, except overtime fees paid for by the owners as prescribed by this act shall be collected by the department and are appropriated to be used to pay personnel for overtime services.
History: 1965, Act 280, Imd. Eff. July 22, 1965 ;-- Am. 1970, Act 166, Imd. Eff. Aug. 3, 1970