Sec. 31.
(1) Any species having the potential to spread serious diseases or parasites, to cause serious physical harm, or to otherwise endanger native wildlife, human life, livestock, domestic animals, or property, as determined by the director, shall not be imported into this state. An order of the director under this subsection applies to a genetically engineered variant of the species identified in the order, unless the order expressly provides otherwise. An order of the director under this subsection may be limited to a genetically engineered organism.
(2) The director may require compliance with any or all of the following before the importation of a wild animal or an exotic animal species not regulated by the fish and wildlife service of the United States department of interior or the department of natural resources of this state:
(a) Physical examination by an accredited veterinarian be conducted after importation to determine the health status, proper housing, husbandry, and confinement of any animal permitted to enter this state.
(b) Negative test results to specific official tests required by the director within a time frame before importation into this state as determined by the director.
(c) Identification prior to importation in a manner approved by the director.
(3) An order of the director under subsection (2) applies to a genetically engineered variant of the species identified in the order, unless the order expressly provides otherwise. An order of the director under subsection (2) may be limited to a genetically engineered organism.
(4) An official interstate health certificate or official interstate certificate of veterinary inspection signed by an accredited veterinarian from the state of origin shall accompany all wild animal or exotic animal species imported into this state. The official interstate health certificate or official interstate certificate of veterinary inspection shall comply with all the requirements of section 20(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f).
(5) A wild animal or exotic animal species permitted to enter this state shall receive housing, feeding, restraining, and care that is approved by the director.
(6) A person shall not import or release live feral swine or any crosses of feral swine in this state for any purpose without permission from the director.
History: 1988, Act 466, Eff. Mar. 28, 1989 ;-- Am. 1990, Act 40, Imd. Eff. Mar. 29, 1990 ;-- Am. 1994, Act 41, Imd. Eff. Mar. 14, 1994 ;-- Am. 2000, Act 323, Imd. Eff. Oct. 31, 2000 ;-- Am. 2003, Act 271, Eff. Mar. 30, 2004