Sec. 3c.
(1) The department of labor shall issue a master electrician's license to a person not less than 22 years of age who does all of the following:
(a) Files a completed application form provided by the department of labor.
(b) Pays the examination fee prescribed in section 3 and passes an examination provided for by the board and the department of labor.
(c) Pays the license fee prescribed in section 3.
(d) Has not less than 12,000 hours of experience obtained over a period of not less than 6 years related to electrical construction, the maintenance of buildings, or electrical wiring or equipment under the supervision of a master electrician.
(e) Has held an electrical journeyman's license for not less than 2 years.
(2) Upon failure to pass the master electrician examination 2 times within a period of 2 years, an applicant shall be ineligible to sit for another examination until a period of not less than 1 year from the date of failure of the second examination, at which time he or she shall present to the board proof of the successful completion of a course on code, electrical fundamentals, or electrical theory, approved by the board, in order to become eligible to again sit for an examination.
(3) As a condition of renewal of a master electrician's license, the master electrician shall demonstrate the successful completion of a course, approved by the board, concerning any update or change in the code within 12 months after the update or change in that code. This requirement applies only during or after those years that the code is updated or changed.
(4) A holder of a master electrician's license shall not qualify for more than 1 electrical contractor's license.
History: Add. 1990, Act 246, Eff. Mar. 28, 1991