Sec. 601a.
(1) There is created in the department an advisory subcommittee on interior design to consist of not more than 5 individuals selected by the department. Of the 5 individuals, 2 shall be licensed architects and the remaining members shall be interior designers chosen from a list of interior designers submitted to the department by nationally recognized associations of interior designers. The department shall assure that the advisory subcommittee on interior design is fully functional not later than 6 months after the effective date of the amendatory act that added this section and shall cease to exist after it has reviewed the last application made under subsection (4)(c). The purpose of the advisory subcommittee on interior design is to verify, by majority vote of its members, the qualifications of interior designers who have not passed an examination as further described in subsection (4)(c) but who seek qualification for the performance of services described in section 601(10) on the basis of education and experience and to recommend the qualifications of those interior designers to perform the services described in section 601(10). The advisory subcommittee on interior design shall also compile a list of all individuals considered qualified to perform the services described in section 601(10). The advisory subcommittee on interior design shall give the list to the board of architects for review and consideration of those persons determined to have met the standards described in subsection (4). The approval of individuals considered qualified shall occur not less than 90 days after the list is submitted to the board of architects. A person whose qualifications are not approved by the board of architects may appeal that determination to the director or his or her designee. The department shall make the list of persons determined to have met the standards described in subsection (4) electronically available to the state or any local unit of government capable of issuing permits under the state construction code act of 1972, 1972 PA 230, MCL 125.1501 to 125.1531.
(2) The director may promulgate rules to administer this section. The rules may include, but are not limited to, reasonable fees charged to individuals seeking qualification for performing services under section 601(10) and procedures for adding and removing individuals from the list of qualified interior designers.
(3) An interior designer shall have a rectangular nonembossed stamp with the interior designer's name, business address, title “interior designer”, and certificate number issued by the national council for interior design qualification, if applicable. Use of the stamp shall be accompanied by the original signature of the interior designer.
(4) As used in this section and section 601, “interior designer” means an individual engaged in the activities described in section 601(10) who meets 1 or more of the following:
(a) Beginning on the effective date of the amendatory act that added this subsection, has proof of passing the complete 1997 examination or other examination adopted by reference by the department and offered by the national council for interior design qualification. For purposes of this subsection, that examination and the qualifications to sit for that examination are adopted by reference and any subsequent update or revision of that examination or the qualifications to sit for that examination may, by rule promulgated by the director, be adopted by reference by the department.
(b) Was engaged, before the effective date of the amendatory act that added this subsection, in the activities described in section 601(10) and has proof of passing any complete examination offered by the national council for interior design qualification. Passage of any past examination offered by the national council for interior design qualification is adequate to qualify an interior designer for the exemption described in section 601(10).
(c) Until the expiration of 1 year after the date of the establishment of the advisory subcommittee on interior design, demonstrates to the advisory subcommittee on interior design that he or she was engaged in the activities described in section 601(10) and meets the qualifications of education and experience that would confer eligibility for sitting for the 1997 or other examination offered by the national council for interior design qualification.
History: Add. 1998, Act 250, Eff. Oct. 1, 1998
Popular Name: Act 299
Admin Rule: R 339.601 of the Michigan Administrative Code.