Sec. 373.
(1) Beginning on March 26, 1999 or, if the qualifying school district becomes a qualifying school district after March 26, 1999, the date on which a school district becomes a qualifying school district, the powers and duties of the elected school board of the qualifying school district and of its secretary and treasurer are suspended until the applicable date specified in section 375. However, until the expiration of the current term of each individual member serving as of the date the school district becomes a qualifying school district, the members of the elected school board of a qualifying school district may continue to meet as an advisory board to provide input to the school reform board on an advisory basis only. Notwithstanding section 417a or any board policy, bylaw, or resolution to the contrary, these advisory board members shall serve without compensation or reimbursement, and funds of the qualifying school district shall not be used to staff or otherwise support the advisory board in any way.
(2) Beginning on March 26, 1999 or, if the qualifying school district becomes a qualifying school district after March 26, 1999, the date on which a school district becomes a qualifying school district, and until appointment of a school reform board for a qualifying school district under this part, all provisions of this act that would otherwise apply to the school board of the qualifying school district or to the school reform board or chief executive officer apply to the mayor, and the mayor immediately may exercise all the powers and duties otherwise vested by law in the board of the qualifying school district and in its secretary and treasurer, and all powers and duties of the school reform board or chief executive officer as provided under this part. Within 30 days after appointing a school reform board under this part, the mayor shall initiate a financial audit of the qualifying school district. The mayor shall provide the results of this audit to the school reform board.
(3) Upon appointment of a school reform board for a qualifying school district under this part, and until appointment of a chief executive officer under section 374, all provisions of this act that would otherwise apply to the school board of the qualifying school district or to the chief executive officer apply to the school reform board, and the school reform board immediately may exercise all the powers and duties otherwise vested by law in the board of the qualifying school district and in its secretary and treasurer, and all powers and duties of the chief executive officer as provided under this part.
(4) Upon appointment of a chief executive officer for a qualifying school district under section 374, all provisions of this act that would otherwise apply to the elected school board of the qualifying school district apply to the chief executive officer; the chief executive officer immediately may exercise all the powers and duties otherwise vested by law in the elected school board of the qualifying school district and in its secretary and treasurer, and all additional powers and duties provided under this part; and the chief executive officer accedes to all the rights, duties, and obligations of the elected school board of the qualifying school district. These powers, rights, duties, and obligations include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
(a) Authority over the expenditure of all school district funds, including proceeds from bonded indebtedness and other funds dedicated to capital projects.
(b) Rights and obligations under collective bargaining agreements and employment contracts entered into by the elected school board, except for employment contracts of those employees described in subsection (6).
(c) Rights to prosecute and defend litigation.
(d) Obligations under any judgments entered against the elected school board.
(e) Rights and obligations under statute, rule, and common law.
(f) Authority to delegate any of the chief executive officer's powers and duties to 1 or more designees, with proper supervision by the school reform board.
(5) In addition to his or her other powers, the chief executive officer appointed under this part may terminate any contract entered into by the elected school board of the qualifying school district except for a collective bargaining agreement. However, this subsection does not allow any termination or diminishment of obligations to pay debt service on legally authorized bonds. A contract terminated by a chief executive officer under this subsection is void.
(6) Beginning on March 26, 1999 or, if the qualifying school district becomes a qualifying school district after March 26, 1999, the date on which a school district becomes a qualifying school district, and until appointment of a school reform board for a qualifying school district under this part, each employee of the qualifying school district whose position is not covered by a collective bargaining agreement is employed at the will of the mayor. Upon appointment of a school reform board for a qualifying school district under this part, and until appointment of a chief executive officer under section 374, each employee of the qualifying school district whose position is not covered by a collective bargaining agreement is employed at the will of the school reform board. Upon appointment of a chief executive officer for a qualifying school district under section 374, each employee of the qualifying school district whose position is not covered by a collective bargaining agreement is employed at the will of the chief executive officer.
(7) Not later than 90 days after the initial appointment of a chief executive officer under this part, and at least annually thereafter, the chief executive officer with the approval of the school reform board shall develop and submit to the school district accountability board created in section 376 a school district improvement plan that includes at least detailed academic, financial, capital, and operational goals and benchmarks for improvement and a description of strategies to be used to accomplish those goals and benchmarks. The plan also shall include an assessment of available resources and recommendations concerning additional resources or changes in statute or rule, if any, needed to meet those goals and benchmarks. The plan also shall include an evaluation of local school governance issues, including criteria for establishing building-level governance.
(8) A chief executive officer with the approval of the school reform board for the qualifying school district shall submit an annual report to the mayor, governor, school district accountability board created in section 376, and legislature and shall make the annual report available to the community in the qualifying school district. The annual report shall contain at least all of the following:
(a) A summary of the initiatives that have been implemented to improve school quality in the qualifying school district.
(b) Measurements that may be useful in determining improvements in school quality in the qualifying school district. These measurements shall indicate changes from baseline data from the school year before the appointment of the school reform board, and shall include at least all of the following:
(i) Standardized test scores of pupils.
(ii) Dropout rates.
(iii) Daily attendance figures.
(iv) Enrollment figures.
(v) High school completion and other pertinent completion rates.
(vi) Changes made in course offerings.
(vii) Proportion of school district resources devoted to direct educational services.
(c) A description of long-term performance goals that may include statewide averages or comparable measures of long-term improvement.
(9) A school reform board may organize and establish community assistance teams to work with the school reform board to implement a cohesive, full service community school program addressing the needs and concerns of the qualifying school district's population. The school reform board may delegate to a community assistance team the authority to devise and implement family, community, cultural, and recreational activities to assure that the academic mission of the schools is successful. The community assistance teams may also develop parental involvement activities that focus on the encouragement of voluntary parenting education, enhancing parent and family involvement in education, and promoting adult and family literacy.
(10) The mayor, superintendent of public instruction, state board, school district accountability board created in section 376, this state, the city in which a qualifying school district is located, a school reform board established under this part, or a chief executive officer or other officer appointed under section 374 is not liable for any obligation of or claim against a qualifying school district resulting from an action taken under this part.
History: Add. 1999, Act 10, Imd. Eff. Mar. 26, 1999 ;-- Am. 2000, Act 230, Imd. Eff. June 27, 2000 ;-- Am. 2004, Act 303, Imd. Eff. Aug. 10, 2004
Compiler's Notes: Enacting section 1 of Act 230 of 2000 provides:“Enacting section 1. The amendments made by this amendatory act to sections 371, 372, 373, 374a, and 402 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.371, 380.372, 380.373, 380.374a, and 380.402, are intended to reaffirm the legislature's initial intent to apply those sections and part 5a and sections 449 and 471a of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.371 to 380.376, 380.449, and 380.471a, to any school district that was a qualifying school district under part 5a of the revised school code at the time of enactment of 1999 PA 10 or that may thereafter become a qualifying school district under part 5a of the revised school code.”
Popular Name: Act 451