***** 390.1454 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 479 OF 2006 EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 *****
Sec. 4.
(1) The Michigan merit award board is established within the department of treasury. The goal of the board is to increase access to postsecondary education and reward Michigan high school graduates who have demonstrated academic achievement.
(2) The board shall exercise its authority, powers, duties, and responsibilities independent of the state treasurer. However, all administrative functions, including budgeting, procurement, and personnel functions, shall be performed under the direction and supervision of the state treasurer.
(3) The board shall consist of 7 members. The members shall include the state treasurer or his or her designee, the superintendent or his or her designee, the director of the department of career development or his or her designee, and 4 members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. The state treasurer or his or her designee shall serve as the chairperson of the board.
(4) The term of a member appointed by the governor shall be 4 years. Of the members first appointed by the governor, 2 shall be appointed for 2-year terms and 2 shall be appointed for 4-year terms.
(5) A member appointed by the governor may be removed by the governor for neglect of duty or malfeasance in office.
(6) A vacancy on the board shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.
(7) The board may incur expenses necessary to carry out its powers and duties under this act and shall compensate its members for reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out their official duties.
(8) The board shall establish a statewide toll-free telephone line and internet access to receive questions, comments, and complaints concerning the assessment test, including, but not limited to, complaints of student cheating on the assessment test, complaints or comments about specific assessment test questions or testing conditions, or other questions, comments, or complaints relating to the development, preparation, distribution, scoring, or dissemination of results of the assessment test.
History: 1999, Act 94, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1999
Compiler's Notes: For transfer of powers and duties of merit award board to superintendent of public instruction by type II transfer, see E.R.O. No. 2003-2, compiled at MCL 388.997.For transfer of the position of the Michigan merit award board designated for the director of the department of career development to the director of the department of labor and economic growth, see E.R.O. No. 2003-1, compiled at MCL 445.2011.