***** 390.1458 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 479 OF 2006 EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 *****
Sec. 8.
(1) Michigan merit award scholarship money shall be used only to pay for eligible costs.
(2) The board shall determine the manner and form of application for payment of a Michigan merit award scholarship by a student eligible under this act and the procedure for payment to the student or to an approved postsecondary educational institution on the student's behalf, subject to 1 of the following, as applicable:
(a) As determined by the board, upon the request of a student or parent or legal guardian of a minor student, the board may pay a Michigan merit award scholarship in 2 consecutive annual installments rather than 1 lump sum for a student who graduates from high school or passes the general educational development (GED) test or approved graduate equivalency examination before March 1, 2003.
(b) For each student who graduates from high school or passes the general educational development (GED) test or approved graduate equivalency examination on or after March 1, 2003 and before March 1, 2004, the board shall pay a Michigan merit award scholarship in 2 consecutive annual installments, beginning in the state fiscal year for which the student is otherwise eligible. The first installment shall not exceed 50% of the award amount, and the second installment shall consist of the remaining award amount. Verification that the student has met the enrollment criteria under section 7b(1)(c) is required before payment of the second installment.
(c) For each student who graduates from high school or passes the general educational development (GED) test or approved graduate equivalency examination on or after March 1, 2004 and before the 2006-2007 school year, the board shall pay a Michigan merit award scholarship in 2 consecutive annual installments, beginning in the state fiscal year that begins after the beginning of the academic year for which the student is otherwise eligible. The first installment shall not exceed 50% of the award amount, and the second installment shall consist of the remaining award amount. Verification that the student has met the enrollment criteria under section 7b(1)(c) is required before payment of the second installment.
(3) An approved postsecondary educational institution shall not consider a Michigan merit award scholarship in determining a student's eligibility for a financial aid program administered by this state. It is the intent of the legislature that an approved postsecondary educational institution not reduce institutionally-funded student aid because of the Michigan merit award scholarship program.
(4) Before payment of a Michigan merit award scholarship to a student or an approved postsecondary educational institution, the student shall certify or affirm in writing to the board each of the following:
(a) That the student is enrolled at an approved postsecondary educational institution.
(b) The name of the approved postsecondary educational institution in which the student is enrolled.
(c) That the student agrees to use the Michigan merit award scholarship only for eligible costs.
(d) That the student has not been convicted of a felony involving an assault, physical injury, or death.
(e) That the student graduated from high school or passed the general educational development (GED) test or approved graduate equivalency examination within 1 of the following time periods:
(i) If the student graduated from high school or passed the test or examination before March 1, 2002, within the 7-year period preceding the date of the student's application to receive his or her Michigan merit award scholarship.
(ii) If the student graduated on or after March 1, 2002 and before the 2006-2007 school year, within the 4-year period preceding the date of the student's application to receive his or her Michigan merit award scholarship, or within a period equal to 4 years plus the number of days the student served as a member of the United States armed forces or peace corps if the student became a member of the United States armed forces or peace corps during this 4-year period and served for 4 years or less. The board may also extend the 4-year period if the board determines that an extension is warranted because of an illness or disability of the student or in the student's immediate family or another family emergency.
(5) The board shall not begin disbursing funds for a Michigan merit award scholarship to a student or an approved postsecondary educational institution on behalf of the student unless it receives the request or application for payment, including the written certification or affirmation described in this section, from the student on or before 1 of the following dates, for disbursement in that academic year:
(a) In the 2002-2003 academic year, January 15.
(b) In the 2003-2004 academic year, September 15 if the student received notification of eligibility prior to August 1.
(c) In the 2003-2004 academic year, November 15 if the student received notification of eligibility on or after August 1.
(d) In the 2004-2005 academic year, December 15.
(e) In any other academic year, November 15.
History: 1999, Act 94, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1999 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 537, Imd. Eff. July 26, 2002 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 736, Imd. Eff. Dec. 30, 2002 ;-- Am. 2003, Act 186, Imd. Eff. Oct. 17, 2003 ;-- Am. 2004, Act 69, Imd. Eff. Apr. 20, 2004 ;-- Am. 2004, Act 595, Imd. Eff. Jan. 5, 2005 ;-- Am. 2006, Act 478, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 2006
Compiler's Notes: For transfer of powers and duties of merit award board to superintendent of public instruction by type II transfer, see E.R.O. No. 2003-2, compiled at MCL 388.997.