Sec. 34c.
(1) An individual who has been disqualified from or denied employment by an adult foster care facility based on a criminal history check conducted pursuant to section 34a or 34b may appeal to the department if he or she believes that the criminal history report is inaccurate, and the appeal shall be conducted as a contested case hearing conducted pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328. The individual shall file the appeal with the director of the department within 15 business days after receiving the written report of the criminal history check unless the conviction contained in the criminal history report is one that may be expunged or set aside. If an individual has been disqualified or denied employment based on a conviction that may be expunged or set aside, then he or she shall file the appeal within 15 business days after a court order granting or denying his or her application to expunge or set aside that conviction is granted. If the order is granted and the conviction is expunged or set aside, then the individual shall not be disqualified or denied employment based solely on that conviction. The director shall review the appeal and issue a written decision within 30 business days after receiving the appeal. The decision of the director is final.
(2) One year after the effective date of this section and each year thereafter for the next 3 years, the department shall provide the legislature with a written report regarding the appeals process implemented under this section for employees subject to criminal history checks. The report shall include, but is not limited to, for the immediately preceding year the number of applications for appeal received, the number of inaccuracies found and appeals granted with regard to the criminal history checks conducted under section 34b, the average number of days necessary to complete the appeals process for each appeal, and the number of appeals rejected without a hearing and a brief explanation of the denial.
(3) As used in this section, "business day" means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or any legal holiday.
History: Add. 2006, Act 29, Eff. Apr. 1, 2006
Compiler's Notes: Enacting section 2 of Act 29 of 2006 provides:"Enacting section 2. Sections 34b and 34c of the adult foster care facility licensing act, 1979 PA 218, MCL 400.734b, as added by this amendatory act, take effect April 1, 2006, since the department has secured the necessary federal approval to utilize federal funds to reimburse those facilities for the costs incurred for requesting a national criminal history check to be conducted by the federal bureau of investigation and the department has filed written notice of that approval with the secretary of state. The department shall issue a medicaid policy bulletin regarding the payment and reimbursement for the criminal history checks by April 1, 2006."For transfer of powers and duties of state fire marshal to department of labor and economic growth, bureau of construction codes and fire safety, by type II transfer, see E.R.O. No. 2003-1, compiled at MCL 445.2011.For transfer of powers and duties of the bureau of family services from the department of consumer and industry services to the family independence agency by Type II transfer, see E.R.O. No. 2003-1, compiled at MCL 445.2011.For transfer of powers and duties of adult foster care licensing advisory council to the family independence agency by Type II transfer, see E.R.O. No. 2003-1, compiled at MCL 445.2011.