Sec. 11.
(1) This subsection applies beginning January 1, 2009. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the commission shall phase in electric rates equal to the cost of providing service to each customer class over a period of 5 years from the effective date of the amendatory act that added this section. If the commission determines that the rate impact on industrial metal melting customers will exceed the 2.5% limit in subsection (2), the commission may phase in cost-based rates for that class over a longer period. The cost of providing service to each customer class shall be based on the allocation of production-related and transmission costs based on using the 50-25-25 method of cost allocation. The commission may modify this method to better ensure rates are equal to the cost of service if this method does not result in a greater amount of production-related and transmission costs allocated to primary customers.
(2) The commission shall ensure that the impact on residential and industrial metal melting rates due to the cost of service requirement in subsection (1) is no more than 2.5% per year.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, the commission may establish eligible low-income customer or eligible senior citizen customer rates. Upon filing of a rate increase request, a utility shall include proposed eligible low-income customer and eligible senior citizen customer rates and a method to allocate the revenue shortfall attributed to the implementation of those rates upon all customer classes. As used in this subsection, "eligible low-income customer" and "eligible senior citizen customer" mean those terms as defined in section 10t.
(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the commission shall establish rate schedules which ensure that public and private schools, universities, and community colleges are charged retail electric rates that reflect the actual cost of providing service to those customers. Not later than 90 days after the effective date of the amendatory act that added this section, electric utilities regulated under this section shall file with the commission tariffs to ensure that public and private schools, universities, and community colleges are charged electric rates as provided in this subsection.
(5) Subsections (1) to (4) apply only to electric utilities with 1,000,000 or more retail customers in this state.
(6) This subsection applies beginning January 1, 2009. The commission shall approve rates equal to the cost of providing service to customers of electric utilities serving less than 1,000,000 retail customers in this state. The rates shall be approved by the commission in each utility's first general rate case filed after passage of the amendatory act that added this section. If, in the judgment of the commission, the impact of imposing cost of service rates on customers of a utility would have a material impact, the commission may approve an order that implements those rates over a suitable number of years. The commission shall ensure that any impact on rates due to the cost of service requirement in this subsection is not more than 2.5% per year.
(7) The commission shall annually retain an independent consultant to verify that the requirements of this section are being satisfied for each electric utility. The costs of this service shall be recoverable in the utility's electric rates. This subsection does not apply after December 31, 2015.
History: Add. 2008, Act 286, Imd. Eff. Oct. 6, 2008