Sec. 35.
(1) A licensee shall not renew a deferred presentment service agreement. A licensee may extend a deferred presentment service agreement only if the licensee does not charge a fee in connection with the extended transaction. A licensee who extends an agreement under this subsection shall not create a balance owed above the amount owed on the original agreement.
(2) If a drawer enters into 8 deferred presentment service transactions with any licensee in any 12-month period, the licensee shall provide the drawer an option to repay that eighth transaction and each additional transaction in that 12-month period pursuant to a written repayment plan subject to the following terms:
(a) The drawer shall request the repayment plan, either orally or in writing, within 30 days after the maturity date of the deferred presentment service transaction.
(b) The drawer shall repay the transaction in 3 equal installments with 1 installment due on each of the next 3 dates on which the drawer receives regular wages or compensation from an employer or other regular source of income, pursuant to a written repayment plan agreement.
(c) The drawer shall pay a fee to the licensee for administration of the repayment plan. The initial amount of the fee is $15.00. Beginning March 1, 2011, and by March 1 of every fifth year after March 1, 2011, the licensee may adjust the fee by an amount determined by the commissioner to reflect the cumulative percentage change in the Detroit consumer price index over the preceding 5 calendar years. As used in this subsection, "Detroit consumer price index" means the most comprehensive index of consumer prices available for the Detroit area from the bureau of labor statistics of the United States department of labor.
(d) The drawer shall agree not to enter into any additional deferred presentment transactions during the repayment plan term.
(3) A licensee shall advise a customer of the repayment option described in subsection (2) at the time he or she is eligible. If a customer believes he or she has been illegally denied the repayment option under this section, he or she is entitled to contact the office of financial and insurance services toll-free at 1-877-999-6442. If a customer has entered into 8 deferred presentment service transactions in any 12-month period, the database provider shall notify the licensee when the licensee submits the required customer information to the database for that customer that the customer is entitled to a repayment plan under this section. The database provider shall instruct the licensee to provide the customer with the following notice, in a document separate from the deferred presentment transaction agreement and in at least 12-point type:
"If you are unable to pay your deferred presentment service transaction and have entered into 8 deferred presentment transactions in any 12-month period, state law entitles you to request a repayment of that transaction in installments. We are required to advise you of this option at the time it is available. If you elect this option, you must notify us, either orally or in writing, within 30 days after the maturity date of the eighth deferred presentment transaction in the 12-month period. The notice must be provided to us at our place of business. You may be charged an additional fee when the transaction is rescheduled in installments. You will be ineligible to enter into a deferred presentment service transaction with any licensee during the term of the repayment plan. If we refuse to provide this option under the stipulations above, you should contact the Office of Financial and Insurance Services toll-free at 1-877-999-6442.".
(4) During the term of a repayment plan by a drawer under this section, the database provider shall notify the licensee at the time the licensee submits the required customer information to the database for that customer that the customer is presently in a repayment plan under this section with 1 or more other licensees and the licensee shall not enter into a deferred presentment transaction with that individual.
(5) A licensee shall not present a check for payment before the maturity date or during the term of the repayment plan. In addition to the remedies and penalties under this act, a licensee that presents a check for payment before the maturity date or during the term of the repayment plan is liable for all expenses and damages caused to the drawer and the drawee as a result of the violation. If a drawer has not requested a repayment plan on or before the maturity date, the licensee may redeem, present for payment, or enter the check into the check-clearing process under the terms of the original deferred presentment service transaction agreement.
(6) A drawer satisfies his or her obligation under a deferred presentment service agreement when the check the licensee is holding is paid by the drawee or is redeemed by the drawer by paying to the licensee an amount equal to the full amount of the check.
History: 2005, Act 244, Imd. Eff. Nov. 28, 2005