Sec. 235a.
(1) The parent of a minor is guilty of a misdemeanor if all of the following apply:
(a) The parent has custody of the minor.
(b) The minor violates this chapter in a weapon free school zone.
(c) The parent knows that the minor would violate this chapter or the parent acts to further the violation.
(2) An individual convicted under subsection (1) may be punished by 1 or more of the following:
(a) A fine of not more than $2,000.00.
(b) Community service for not more than 100 hours.
(c) Probation.
(3) It is a complete defense to a prosecution under this section if the defendant promptly notifies the local law enforcement agency or the school administration that the minor is violating or will violate this chapter in a weapon free school zone.
(4) As used in this section:
(a) “Minor” means an individual less than 18 years of age.
(b) “School” means a public, private, denominational, or parochial school offering developmental kindergarten, kindergarten, or any grade from 1 through 12.
(c) “School property” means a building, playing field, or property used for school purposes to impart instruction to children or used for functions and events sponsored by a school, except a building used primarily for adult education or college extension courses.
(d) “Weapon free school zone” means school property and a vehicle used by a school to transport students to or from school property.
History: Add. 1994, Act 158, Eff. Aug. 15, 1994
Compiler's Notes: Former MCL 750.235a, which made the reckless use of firearms a misdemeanor, was repealed by Act 45 of 1952, Eff. Sept. 18, 1952.