Except as otherwise expressly provided, the jurisdiction of the United States over any land or other property in this state owned for national purposes is concurrent with and subject to the jurisdiction and right of the state to cause its civil and criminal process to be executed there, to punish offenses against its laws committed there, and to protect, regulate, control, and dispose of any property of the state there.
In any case not otherwise provided for, the consent of the state to the acquisition by the United States of any land or right or interest in land in this state, desired for any authorized national purpose, with concurrent jurisdiction as defined in subdivision 1, may be given by concurrence of a majority of the members of the Land Exchange Commission created by the Constitution of Minnesota, Article XI, Section 10, upon finding that the acquisition and the methods of the acquisition and the exercise of the jurisdiction are consistent with the best interests of the state, if application for the state's consent is made by an authorized officer of the United States, setting forth a description of the property, with a map when necessary for its proper identification, and the authority for, purpose of, and method used or to be used in acquiring it. The commission may specify the method of acquisition as a condition of its consent.
In case of acquisition by purchase or gift, the state's consent shall be obtained before the execution of any instrument conveying the lands involved or any interest in them to the United States. In case of condemnation, consent shall be obtained before the commencement of a condemnation proceeding.
1943 c 343 s 1; 1965 c 51 s 1; 1976 c 2 s 172; 1984 c 628 art 1 s 1