The consent of the state given under sections 1.041 to 1.048 to the acquisition by the United States of any land or right or interest in land in this state or to the exercise of jurisdiction over any place in this state shall be evidenced by the certificate of the governor, issued in duplicate, under the great seal of the state, upon application by an authorized officer of the United States and upon proof that title to the property has vested in the United States. The certificate shall set forth
(a) a description of the property,
(b) the authority for, purpose of, and method used in acquiring it, and
(c) the conditions of the jurisdiction of the state and the United States over it,
and shall declare the consent of the state under sections 1.041 to 1.048, as the case may require. When necessary for proper identification of the property a map may be attached to the certificate, and the applicant may be required to furnish it. One duplicate of the certificate shall be filed with the secretary of state. The other shall be delivered to the applicant, who shall record it in the office of the county recorder of each county in which the land or any part of it is situated.
1943 c 343 s 6; 1976 c 181 s 2; 1984 c 628 art 1 s 1