A lobbyist must file a registration form with the board within five days after becoming a lobbyist or being engaged by a new individual, association, political subdivision, or public higher education system.
The board must prescribe a registration form, which must include:
(1) the name, address, and e-mail address of the lobbyist;
(2) the principal place of business of the lobbyist;
(3) the name and address of each individual, association, political subdivision, or public higher education system, if any, by whom the lobbyist is retained or employed or on whose behalf the lobbyist appears;
(4) the Web site address of each association, political subdivision, or public higher education system identified under clause (3), if the entity maintains a Web site; and
(5) a general description of the subject or subjects on which the lobbyist expects to lobby.
If the lobbyist lobbies on behalf of an association, the registration form must include the name and address of the officers and directors of the association.
The board must send a notice by certified mail to any lobbyist who fails to file a registration form within five days after becoming a lobbyist. If a lobbyist fails to file a form within ten business days after the notice was sent, the board may impose a late filing fee of $5 per day, not to exceed $100, starting on the 11th day after the notice was sent. The board must send an additional notice by certified mail to a lobbyist who fails to file a form within 14 days after the first notice was sent by the board that the lobbyist may be subject to a civil penalty for failure to file the form. A lobbyist who fails to file a form within seven days after the second notice was sent by the board is subject to a civil penalty imposed by the board of up to $1,000.
The restrictions of section 10.60 notwithstanding, the board may publish the information required in subdivision 2 on its Web site.
For good cause shown, the board must grant exemptions to the requirement that e-mail addresses be provided.
1974 c 470 s 3; 1975 c 271 s 6; 1978 c 463 s 28,29; 1986 c 444; 1999 c 220 s 4,50; 2002 c 363 s 5; 1Sp2003 c 1 art 2 s 21; 2010 c 327 s 5