The State Board of Investment, when requested by the city of Duluth, may invest the funds or assets of the city's community investment trust fund in a special account for that purpose in the combined investment funds established in section 11A.14, subject to the policies and procedures established by the State Board of Investment. Use of the funds in the account is restricted to debt service payments for the city's street improvement program or to any other use approved in accordance with Section 54(E) of the home rule charter of the city of Duluth.
The city may deposit money in the account and may withdraw money from the account for purposes approved by the Duluth City Council in accordance with Section 54(E) of the home rule charter of the city of Duluth. Such transactions must be at a time and in a manner required by the executive director of the State Board of Investment. Investment earnings must be credited to the account of the city. The account may be terminated by the city at any time.
2007 c 14 s 1