State agencies may give priority to local requests that are part of or responsive to a comprehensive local water plan when administering programs for water-related financial and technical assistance.
A local water resources protection and management program is established. The board may provide financial assistance to local units of government for activities that protect or manage water and related land quality. The activities include planning, zoning, official controls, and other activities to implement local water management plans.
[Repealed, 2003 c 128 art 1 s 176]
A local unit of government may contract to implement programs. An explanation of the program responsibilities proposed to be contracted must accompany grant requests. A local unit of government that contracts is responsible for ensuring that state funds are properly expended and for providing an annual report to the board describing expenditures of funds and program accomplishments.
A base grant may be awarded to a county that provides a match utilizing a water implementation tax or other local source. A water implementation tax that a county intends to use as a match to the base grant must be levied at a rate determined by the board. The minimum amount of the water implementation tax shall be a tax rate times the adjusted net tax capacity of the county for the preceding year. The rate shall be the rate, rounded to the nearest .001 of a percent, that, when applied to the adjusted net tax capacity for all counties, raises the amount of $1,500,000. The base grant will be in an amount equal to $37,500 less the amount raised by the local match. If the amount necessary to implement the local water plan for the county is less than $37,500, the amount of the base grant shall be the amount that, when added to the match amount, equals the amount required to implement the plan. For counties where the tax rate generates an amount equal to or greater than $18,750, the base grant shall be in an amount equal to $18,750.
(a) Grants provided to implement programs under this section must be reviewed by the state agency having statutory program authority to assure compliance with minimum state standards. At the request of the state agency commissioner, the board shall revoke the portion of a grant used to support a program not in compliance.
(b) Grants provided to develop or revise local water management plans may not be awarded for a time longer than two years.
(c) A local unit of government may not request or be awarded grants for project implementation unless a local management water plan has been adopted.
[Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 8 s 16]
[Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 8 s 16]
1989 c 326 art 2 s 10; 1990 c 391 art 10 s 3; 1990 c 597 s 15; 1990 c 604 art 3 s 1,2; 1995 c 184 s 26,27; 2003 c 128 art 1 s 102-105; 2009 c 176 art 1 s 26