(a) The Star Lake Board shall be established as a nonprofit corporation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The Star Lake Board shall promote and designate star lakes and rivers in Minnesota under section 103B.701.
(b) The board must work with private and public entities to leverage the resources available to achieve and sustain the designation of Minnesota star lakes or rivers. The board may assist lake associations with finding appropriate technical and financial assistance and make recommendations to state agencies and local government units regarding the manner in which technical or financial assistance can be most effectively delivered. To the extent that money is available, the board may secure, provide, or recommend financial assistance to meet specific needs of lake associations for:
(1) completing a star lake or river management plan when the lake association does not have an existing management plan and the association is committed to the goals of a plan, as specified in section 103B.701, subdivision 4; and
(2) addressing specific issues of the lake or river to achieve or maintain the goals of the lake or river management plan for lake associations that have achieved a star lake or river designation.
(c) The board shall consist of:
(1) three public members appointed by the speaker of the house, with one member representing county governments, one member representing city governments, and one member representing an organization that promotes clean lakes and rivers;
(2) three public members appointed by the senate Subcommittee on Committees of the Committee on Rules and Administration, with one member representing county governments, one member representing city governments, and one member representing an organization that promotes clean lakes and rivers;
(3) five members, chosen by the other board members with regard to obtaining representation from a variety of types of lakes and rivers within the state, who are from lake associations representing designated star lakes or rivers, or until July 1, 2011, are eligible to achieve star lake or river designation;
(4) one member designated by the commissioner of natural resources;
(5) one member designated by the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency;
(6) one member designated by the chair of the Board of Water and Soil Resources; and
(7) one member designated by the Indian Affairs Council.
(d) By January 15 of each odd-numbered year, the board shall submit a report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over environment policy and finance on the activities for which money has been or will be spent for the current biennium, the applications for designation, and the star lakes or rivers designated by the board.
(e) Public members appointed by the speaker of the house and the senate Subcommittee on Committees of the Committee on Rules and Administration serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority.
A board member may not participate in or vote on a decision of the board relating to an organization in which the member has either a direct or indirect personal financial interest. While serving on the Star Lake Board, a member shall avoid any potential conflict of interest.
The board may hire staff or enter into contracts to carry out the activities of the board.
The board shall adopt bylaws necessary for the conduct of the business of the board consistent with this section. The corporation must publish bylaws and amendments to the bylaws in the State Register.
The board shall locate and maintain the board's place of business within the state.
The board shall annually elect from among its members a chair and other officers necessary for the performance of its duties.
The board shall meet at least twice each year and may hold additional meetings upon giving notice in accordance with the bylaws of the board. Board meetings are subject to chapter 13D.
The board may accept and use gifts, grants, or contributions from any source. Unless otherwise restricted by the terms of a gift or bequest, the board may sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of and invest or reinvest the money, securities, or other property given or bequested to it. The principal of these funds, the income from them, and all other revenues received by the board from any nonstate source must be placed in the depositories the board determines and are subject to expenditure for the board's purposes.
The board may establish funds and accounts necessary to carry out its responsibilities. The board shall provide for and pay the cost of an independent audit of its official books and records by the legislative auditor subject to sections 3.971 and 3.972. A copy of this audit shall be filed with the secretary of state.
Decisions of the Star Lake Board regarding the criteria used to designate a lake or river as a "Minnesota Star Lake" or "Minnesota Star River," as well as a decision to award grants, are subject to the review and approval of the Board of Water and Soil Resources.
2008 c 363 art 5 s 18; 2010 c 361 art 4 s 50