(a) Persons that own property in the vicinity of an existing drainage system may petition for a lateral that connects their property with the drainage system. The petition must be signed by at least 26 percent of the owners of the property or by the owners of at least 26 percent of the area of the property that the lateral passes over. The petition must be filed with the auditor, or for property in more than one county, the petition must be filed with the auditor of the county with the largest property area to be passed over by the lateral. The petition must:
(1) describe in general terms the starting point, general course, and terminus of the proposed lateral;
(2) describe the property traversed by the lateral including the names and addresses of the property owners from records in the county assessor's office;
(3) state the necessity to construct the lateral;
(4) state that, if constructed, the lateral will be of public benefit and utility and promote the public health;
(5) request that the lateral be constructed and connected with the drainage system; and
(6) provide that the petitioners will pay all costs incurred if the proceedings are dismissed or if a contract for the construction of the lateral is not awarded.
(b) The petitioners shall give the bond required by section 103E.202, subdivision 5.
After the petition is filed, the procedure to establish and construct the lateral is the same as that provided in this chapter to establish a drainage project.
A lateral may not be constructed to drain property that is not assessed benefits for the existing drainage system until express authority for the use of the existing drainage system as an outlet for the lateral has been obtained under section 103E.401.
1990 c 391 art 5 s 31