The definitions in this chapter apply to this chapter.
"Boring" means a hole or excavation that is not used to extract water and includes exploratory borings, environmental bore holes, vertical heat exchangers, and elevator shafts.
"Certified representative" means a person certified by the commissioner to represent a well contractor, limited well/boring contractor, monitoring well contractor, or elevator boring contractor.
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of health.
"Department" means the Department of Health.
"Dewatering well" means a nonpotable well used to lower groundwater levels to allow for construction or use of underground space. A dewatering well does not include:
(1) an excavation 25 feet or less in depth for temporary dewatering during construction; or
(2) a well used to lower groundwater levels for control or removal of groundwater contamination.
"Drive point well" means a well constructed by forcing a pointed well screen, attached to sections of pipe, into the ground with the screen and casing forced or driven into the ground with a hammer, maul, or weight.
"Elevator boring" means a bore hole, jack hole, drilled hole, or excavation constructed to install an elevator hydraulic cylinder.
"Elevator boring contractor" means a person with an elevator boring contractor's license issued by the commissioner.
"Environmental bore hole" means a hole or excavation in the ground that penetrates a confining layer or is greater than 25 feet in depth and enters or goes through a water bearing layer and is used to monitor or measure physical, chemical, radiological, or biological parameters without extracting water. An environmental bore hole also includes bore holes constructed for vapor recovery or venting systems. An environmental bore hole does not include a well, elevator shaft, exploratory boring, or monitoring well.
"Exploratory boring" means a surface drilling done to explore or prospect for oil, natural gas, apatite, diamonds, graphite, gemstones, kaolin clay, and metallic minerals, including iron, copper, zinc, lead, gold, silver, titanium, vanadium, nickel, cadmium, molybdenum, chromium, manganese, cobalt, zirconium, beryllium, thorium, uranium, aluminum, platinum, palladium, radium, tantalum, tin, and niobium, and a drilling or boring for petroleum.
"Explorer" means a person with an explorer's license issued by the commissioner.
"Groundwater thermal exchange device" means a heating or cooling device that depends on extraction and reinjection of groundwater from an independent aquifer to operate.
"Limited well/boring contractor" means a person with a limited well/boring contractor's license issued by the commissioner. Limited well/boring contractor's licenses are issued for constructing, repairing, and sealing vertical heat exchangers; installing, repairing, and modifying pitless units and pitless adaptors, well casings above the pitless unit or pitless adaptor, well screens, or well diameters; constructing, repairing, and sealing drive point wells or dug wells; constructing, repairing, and sealing dewatering wells; sealing wells; and installing well pumps or pumping equipment.
[Repealed, 2005 c 106 s 68]
"Monitoring well" means an excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed to extract groundwater for physical, chemical, or biological testing. "Monitoring well" includes a groundwater quality sampling well.
"Monitoring well contractor" means a person who is registered by the commissioner to construct monitoring wells.
"Person" means an individual, firm, partnership, association, or corporation or other entity including the United States government, any interstate body, the state, and any agency, department, or political subdivision of the state.
"Provisions of this chapter" means the sections in this chapter and rules adopted by the commissioner under this chapter.
[Repealed, 1991 c 199 art 2 s 29; 1991 c 355 s 54]
[Repealed, 1990 c 597 s 73]
"Vertical heat exchanger" means an earth-coupled heating or cooling device consisting of a sealed closed-loop piping system installed vertically in the ground to transfer heat to or from the surrounding earth with no discharge.
"Water supply well" means a well that is not a dewatering well or monitoring well and includes wells used:
(1) for potable water supply;
(2) for irrigation;
(3) for agricultural, commercial, or industrial water supply;
(4) for heating or cooling;
(5) as a remedial well; and
(6) for testing water yield for irrigation, commercial or industrial uses, residential supply, or public water supply.
"Well" means an excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed if the excavation is intended for the location, diversion, artificial recharge, or acquisition of groundwater. Well includes monitoring wells, drive point wells, and dewatering wells. "Well" does not include:
(1) an excavation by backhoe, or otherwise for temporary dewatering of groundwater for nonpotable use during construction, if the depth of the excavation is 25 feet or less;
(2) an excavation made to obtain or prospect for oil, natural gas, minerals, or products of mining or quarrying;
(3) an excavation to insert media to repressure oil or natural gas bearing formations or to store petroleum, natural gas, or other products;
(4) an excavation for nonpotable use for wildfire suppression activities; or
(5) borings.
"Well disclosure certificate" means a certificate containing the requirements of section 103I.235, subdivision 1, paragraph (j).
"Well contractor" means a person with a well contractor's license.
A "well that is in use" means a well that operates on a daily, regular, or seasonal basis. A well in use includes a well that operates for the purpose of irrigation, fire protection, or emergency pumping.
"Wellhead protection area" means the surface and subsurface area surrounding a well or well field that supplies a public water system, through which contaminants are likely to move toward and reach the well or well field.
1989 c 326 art 3 s 2; 1990 c 597 s 16-20; 1991 c 355 s 6-8; 1999 c 153 s 1-3; 2000 c 260 s 15; 2005 c 106 s 9-15; 2006 c 281 art 3 s 16; 2008 c 277 art 1 s 5