The well notification fee to be paid by a property owner is:
(1) for a new water supply well, $215, which includes the state core function fee;
(2) for a well sealing, $50 for each well, which includes the state core function fee, except that for monitoring wells constructed on a single property, having depths within a 25 foot range, and sealed within 48 hours of start of construction, a single fee of $50; and
(3) for construction of a dewatering well, $215, which includes the state core function fee, for each dewatering well except a dewatering project comprising five or more dewatering wells shall be assessed a single fee of $1,075 for the dewatering wells recorded on the notification.
The state core function fee to be collected by the state and delegated boards of health and used to support state core functions is:
(1) for a new well, $20; and
(2) for a well sealing, $5.
The permit fee to be paid by a property owner is:
(1) for a water supply well that is not in use under a maintenance permit, $175 annually;
(2) for construction of a monitoring well, $215, which includes the state core function fee;
(3) for a monitoring well that is unsealed under a maintenance permit, $175 annually;
(4) for a monitoring well owned by a federal agency, state agency, or local unit of government that is unsealed under a maintenance permit, $50 annually. "Local unit of government" means a statutory or home rule charter city, town, county, or soil and water conservation district, watershed district, an organization formed for the joint exercise of powers under section 471.59, a board of health or community health board, or other special purpose district or authority with local jurisdiction in water and related land resources management;
(5) for monitoring wells used as a leak detection device at a single motor fuel retail outlet, a single petroleum bulk storage site excluding tank farms, or a single agricultural chemical facility site, the construction permit fee is $215, which includes the state core function fee, per site regardless of the number of wells constructed on the site, and the annual fee for a maintenance permit for unsealed monitoring wells is $175 per site regardless of the number of monitoring wells located on site;
(6) for a groundwater thermal exchange device, in addition to the notification fee for water supply wells, $215, which includes the state core function fee;
(7) for a vertical heat exchanger with less than ten tons of heating/cooling capacity, $215;
(8) for a vertical heat exchanger with ten to 50 tons of heating/cooling capacity, $425;
(9) for a vertical heat exchanger with greater than 50 tons of heating/cooling capacity, $650;
(10) for a dewatering well that is unsealed under a maintenance permit, $175 annually for each dewatering well, except a dewatering project comprising more than five dewatering wells shall be issued a single permit for $875 annually for dewatering wells recorded on the permit; and
(11) for an elevator boring, $215 for each boring.
1989 c 326 art 3 s 10; 1990 c 597 s 34; 1991 c 355 s 24; 1994 c 557 s 21; 1997 c 203 art 2 s 5; 1998 c 407 art 2 s 23; 1999 c 247 s 1; 1Sp2001 c 9 art 1 s 5,6; 2002 c 379 art 1 s 113; 2005 c 106 s 24,25; 1Sp2005 c 4 art 6 s 3,4; 2007 c 147 art 16 s 3,4; 2009 c 79 art 10 s 1